THK AFA Grease is a general-purpose grease developed with a lithium-based consistency enhancer using refined mineral oil as the base oil. It excels in extreme pressure resistance and mechanical stability. Typical applications include: Ball screws, Bearings and Linear Guides and other industrial machinery.
Here are some features of the THK AFA Grease:
(1) High extreme pressure resistance
Compared with lithium-based greases available on the market, AFA Grease has higher wear resistance and outstanding resistance to extreme pressure.
(2) High mechanical stability
AFA Grease is not easily softened and demonstrates excellent mechanical stability even when used for a long period of time.
(3) High water resistance
Compared with ordinary lithium grease, this product is a highly water resistant grease with minimal softening due to moisture penetration and very little deterioration under extreme pressures.
(4) Long service life
It provides many times the lubrication life of lithium soap-based greases. As a result, it offers a lower maintenance workload and greater economy due to the longer intervals between greasing.
(3) Wide temperature range
The lubricating performance remains high over a wide range of temperatures from -45 ℃ to +160 ℃.
Some popular models of AFA Grease:
Model & Part Number:
- GREASE OIL AFA GRS (400G)/ THK AFA 400G Grease
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